Program/Membership Fees are due no later than 10 p.m., each Friday night. The fees shall be paid to the resident manager or program director, or the director’s designee. A late charge of $10 per day shall be added to the fee for each day the fee is not timely paid. If the weekly program/membership fee plus any late charge(s) is not paid by 7 pm Sunday, the member is subject to summary dismissal from membership in FOUNDATIONS IN RECOVERY.
Any member dismissed for nonpayment may reapply. However, acceptance will require payment off all past due fees and late payments, together with all other obligations and conditions of admittance.
Program fees cover living expenses while at FOUNDATIONS IN RECOVERY with the exception of food, personal items, and other non-living expenses.
Program fees may be paid in cash, check or money order payable to FOUNDATIONS IN RECOVERY.
As a condition of acceptance into FOUNDATIONS IN RECOVERY, I agree to abide by the above Fee Policy.